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College of Graduate Studies

Physical Address:
Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address:
College of Graduate Studies
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017
Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647




10-10:45 a.m. Thursdays
ISUB 329 and via Zoom
Meeting ID: 819 2308 9223

The Professional Development Initiative (PDI) includes events, workshops, 这些课程旨在为研究生提供促进学术和职业成功的机会, postdocs and other early career trainees. This series of events is facilitated by the Career Services office.

  • February 22 — Getting the Most Out of a Conference
  • February 29 — Writing Teaching Philosophies and Diversity Statements
  • March 21 — Writing Cover Letters, CVs and Resumes
  • April 4 — Demystifying Careers in Academia

3-4 p.m. Tuesdays
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID:
834 5086 5632

The Prestigious Fellowship Workshop series, led by Dean Jerry McMurtry, 准备学生在即将到来的资助周期提交联邦奖学金申请, 2023 - 2024. Students in the final stages of writing an application for the GRFP, Ford Foundation, National Defense, or F31- NIH fellowships are encouraged to attend these sessions. 与会者可以携带正在进行的申请文件,以及他们对申请过程的任何疑问. Additionally, students will learn the differences between the major prestigious fellowships, how to determine which fellowship is the best fit, and how to effectively plan for the 2024 - 2025 application cycle. 任何学生如果需要奖学金申请部分的教员评审,可以联系 Michael Decker ( for assistance.

  • Feb. 27 Introduction to Fellowship Applications
  • March 5The Application Process and Components

11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Wednesdays
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID:
865 9818 0151

Led by Faculty from the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC), 这些月度报告围绕心理健康主题,特别是与研究生和专业学生相关.

  • January 31Unleashing Your Potential: Defeating Imposter Syndrome
  • February 14Advice for Navigating the World of Dating and Relationships
  • March 27 The Art of Balancing: Nurturing Personal Wellness in a Busy World
  • April 24 — Practical Tips for Managing Anxiety

1-2 p.m. Tuesdays
IRIC 321 and via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 876 3089 5130

这一系列的研讨会旨在帮助跨学科的研究生培养一种对学术成功至关重要的体裁特定写作的强烈感觉. In the first workshop, we will discuss and practice strategies for writing clear, concise, and engaging abstracts for articles, conferences proposals, and more. 在这第一次研讨会的许多写作形式将适用于其他形式的学术写作. 在部门规范和教师在一系列学科的反馈指导下, this workshop will focus on strategies for crafting strong, well-articulated proposals for theses, dissertations, and more. Writers from all academic disciplines are welcome.

  • March 5 — Crafting a Strong Abstract  
  • March 19Writing Research-Related Proposals (including Thesis and Dissertation Proposals)

10 a.m. Mondays
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID:
822 6856 2320

“研究生如何做”系列的工作坊集中于作为研究生学习的重要技能, including formatting a thesis or dissertation, building and editing a study plan, the process for earning a graduate degree, funding a graduate education, and applying for GPSA awards.

HOW TO: Steps to Your Graduate Degree
January 29

研究生院提出了这个研讨会,以指导当前注册的研究生通过硕士和博士过程的每一步, including dates, deadlines, planning documents, and explanations of COGS forms and procedures. Students should bring their questions!

HOW TO: Apply for GPSA Travel and Publication Awards
February 5

Led by students from the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA), 本次研讨会将指导研究生通过GPSA申请旅游或出版奖项的过程. Covered topics will include eligibility, deadlines, application requirements, and helpful tips to make the process go smoothly.

HOW TO: Format Your Thesis or Dissertation
February 12

这个研讨会帮助研究生了解如何开始格式化论文或论文, provides helpful tips and guidelines, and describes all required components of a finished product. 该研讨会包括排除学生在格式化过程中遇到的任何问题.

HOW TO: Create a Study Plan and Check your Degree Audit
February 19

In this program, 研究生院的工作人员将向学生展示他们可以访问学习计划资源的地方, 此外,还展示了学习计划制定过程中的一些策略. 学生还将学习如何解释他们的学位审核,并使用这个功能作为通知他们的学习计划的工具.

HOW TO: Steps to Your Graduate Degree
February 26

加入研究生院团队的成员,与其他365体育滚球一起学习研究生院资助的过程. 本节将详细介绍资助研究生教育的机会和资源. (ideally for prospective students)

The Center for the Integration of Research, 教与学(CIRTL)和研究生学院提出了一系列与研究生和博士后寻求未来教师职位相关的研讨会. 这些研讨会将探讨教学作为研究(TAR)和通过多样性学习(LTD)的教学框架. 研讨会将由来自卓越教学中心(CETL)的Brian Smentkowski领导。. 这是研究生和博士后参与CIRTL水平的宝贵机会, opportunities, and credentials. 有关加入CIRTL网络的好处的更多信息, contact Michael Decker at

Learning Through Diversity Series
6-7 p.m. Thursdays
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID:
864 072 1104

  • January 25 (Session 4): Universal Design for Learning: Participants in this session will learn evidence-based practices for adapting, adopting, and integrating techniques that support multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression of knowledge.
  • February 15 (Session 5): Culturally Responsive Pedagogy参与者将深入了解文化在塑造学生形象方面所起的作用, participation, and success, and strategies for identifying and navigating both multiple barriers to, and opportunities for, 包容性学习注意文化差异对参与式学习的影响.
  • March 7 (Session 6): Inclusion by Design:参与者将运用一种简单而有效的方法,将包容性教学原则和实践融入课堂的各个方面, from the syllabus to the first day to final grades and everything in-between.
  • April 18 (Session 7)Sharing:这个会话部分是为参与者保留的,让他们分享他们所学到的东西, to answer any remaining questions, to seek input, 并分享灵感和策略,以改变学生的学习和生活.

Teaching as Research Series
3:30-4:45 p.m. Thursdays
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 864 072 1104

  • February 15 (Session 3): 提出一个将教学作为研究的问题/想法:本课程着重于提出一个好问题, formulating a reasonable hypothesis, 或者只是探索一个想法,365滚球官网的教学的一个方面如何影响学生的学习. The focus is on your ideas, your classes, and your fields of study. The goal is to set everyone on a course for engaging in a TAR project and, hopefully, to participate in the CIRTL Network’s Online TAR Summer Program. 与会者在会议上介绍TAR项目时可能会得到协助.

First Thursday of Each Month
International Programs Office Conference Room
4-5 p.m.

这个小组的目标是为国际研究生创造一个相互支持的非正式空间, make connections, and learn more about campus resources. 小组会议将由一名国际学生主持,并提供披萨.

  • February 8
  • March 7
  • April 4
  • May 2

Graduate Teaching Assistants are invited to join the TA Community Group, 由研究生院和卓越教学中心(CETL)领导. 学生将与他们的同龄人讨论教学的乐趣和挑战,同时建立一个支持社区. 任何目前在高等教育机构任教的研究生或博士后都被鼓励加入.

9-10 a.m. Tuesdays
One World Cafe (533 S Main St.)

  • Sept. 12 & 26
  • Oct. 10 & 24
  • Nov. 7 & 28

5-6 p.m. Tuesdays
IRIC 321

  • Feb. 20
  • March 19
  • April 16

1-2 p.m. Thursdays
IRIC Atrium

Graduate Research Assistants can find support, share resources, and build community at the RA Community Group, led by the College of Graduate Studies and graduate faculty members. 这个小组是理想的研究生谁希望讨论他们的斗争和成功的研究过程中. 鼓励任何正在计划或进行研究的研究生或博士后加入.

  • February 1 & 22
  • March 7 & 21
  • April 4 & 18


College of Graduate Studies

Physical Address:
Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address:
College of Graduate Studies
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017
Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647

