

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录汪达尔之星.



We offer more than $25 million in scholarship awards annually. 奖项不同, 择优录取, 财务需要, outstanding achievement in specialized fields or any combination of these criteria. 了解更多关于 奖学金.


当你申请犹他大学的时候, the 招生 Office determines your status as a resident or non-resident for tuition purposes. 前往注册处 爱达荷州居住 page.

访问我们的 财务规划工作表 为指导. Accept 奖学金 within three weeks of being awarded, but you may wait to accept loans until the billing statements are available on VandalWeb. 计算教科书费用 VandalWeb (表达).

如果你拒绝了你的奖项, 通过书面请求或VandalMail, 如果你改变主意了,请提交 形势的变化 form.

Access your Federal Student loan histories at the 国家学生贷款数据系统 使用你的FSA ID.


用于联邦财政援助目的, an independent student must answer positively to one of the status questions below. Students who do not fit the federal definition are required to supply parental information and signatures.

  • 1月10日前年满24岁. 1 of the academic year for which you are applying
  • 做一个已婚的学生
  • 做一名研究生      
  • 现役军人
  • 做一名退伍军人
  • Have a child/children for whom you provide more than half their financial support
  • Have a legal dependent other than a spouse or child
  • 做一个孤儿或法庭的监护人
  • 做一个被解放的未成年人
  • Under legal guardianship (other than parent), or homeless

学生资助服务 is required to have documentation from students to prove they meet the definition of independence. If you feel you have extenuating circumstances, please contact 学生资助服务.

If you’re an undergrad, contact your 金融援助 counselor. If students are not married as of the date they file the FAFSA, they must file as single. The FAFSA can sometimes be updated by your 金融援助 Counselor once documentation is provided to our office.

Report information on the FAFSA about the parent you lived with during the last calendar year. 如果你没有和父母住在一起, use the parent who gave you more financial support during the most recent year. If the parent has remarried, include the step-parent's income.

You’ll be sent an email from the Department of Education containing a secure link to your Student Aid Report information. Here you’ll see Expected Family Contribution, 收入和资产信息, 国家学生贷款数据系统 history information, database match results and all SAR comments.


Billing statements are sent in mid-July for new students enrolled for the fall semester (log in to VandalWeb). Greek housing will bill students separately.

Yes. 要注册,请登录 VandalWeb, select Student Account Information, select 学生账户 Center, and select Payment Plans. 问题? Contact 学生账户.

Yes. Sign up for direct deposit of financial aid on VandalWeb.

Financial aid is first used to pay for U of I charges (tuition, fees, 学生宿舍, 餐计划, etc.). If financial aid does not pay all U of I charges, students must make arrangements with 学生账户. Students may place residual financial aid on their VandalCard by signing up through VandalWeb. Deposits are available on the first day of class as well as direct deposits to bank accounts. 问题?

Send funds to U of I Student 金融援助 by Aug. 1(含U / I识别号). Late fees apply if the check arrives after the first day of class and no arrangements are made.

圆周大道875号,MS 4291


收入变化, 家庭规模, 婚姻状况, enrollment or excessive medical expenses should be shared with 学生资助服务 电话:1-888-8UIDAHO (885-6312 email.

出勤费用 includes the actual cost of full-time tuition and fees (and tuition for non-residents), 以及所有其他估计的年度费用. 就读伊利诺伊大学的平均费用.

奖学金 are used in calculating eligibility for federal aid.  The amount of a federal award (with the exception of the Pell Grant) will be reduced if the student has negative need.

Yes. 令人满意的学业进展 must be met to receive federal student financial aid. Students change their federal/state financial aid eligibility when:

  • Loan eligibility is based on taking at least a half-time academic load (6 credits per semester for undergraduates, 5 credits per semester for graduate/law students). Note that loan repayment begins when not enrolled at least half-time.
  • If you are an undergraduate taking fewer than 12 credits and were awarded 佩尔助学金, you will receive a pro-rated award based on the number of credit hours on the census date. 
  • 如果你不能满足 SAP,你可透过提交 申请恢复经济资助.

Students who withdraw from all classes during a semester may find that their aid has been decreased, 取消或到期还款. 任何还款都必须解决 学生账户 在您重新注册下一个学期之前.

Students who withdraw from all classes may also be suspended from receiving future financial aid.  If you withdraw in the fall semester and plan to re-enroll, notify 金融援助.



Bruce M. 皮特曼中心

莫斯科,ID 83844

MS 4291


