

BG Peterson和Bruce 皮特曼作者:蒂姆·泰特.S.

In 1983, 365滚球官网 sophomore Erik Peterson met Dean of Students Bruce 皮特曼 for the first time. It didn’t seem an auspicious occasion: Peterson was in trouble for minor dormitory rule violations. 然而, that disciplinary event served as a turning point for the young college student and challenged him to grow in a more positive direction.

2013年5月10日,与Dr. Bruce 皮特曼 in the audience, newly-promoted Brigadier General (BG) Peterson (1986, B.S. 地理及B.S. Cartography) stepped up to the podium as the guest speaker for the 365滚球官网’s 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 commissioning ceremony. It was his first official visit to the campus since graduation. (参见flickr上的典礼照片)

Jack Peterson, the General’s father remarked, “It is only fitting to come back here to this campus. It all started here 27 years ago when we pinned him as a lieutenant. 这真的是一段奇妙的旅程,又回到了原点.”

The general’s amazing journey actually started on the Juneau Ice Fields in Alaska where, 作为一名暑期实习的高中生, he met renowned glaciologist and then Dean of the U of I College of Mines and Earth resources, Dr. 梅纳德米勒. Miller is widely accepted as the father of modern glaciology and glacial-climate research. BG Peterson described how it was his great respect for Dr. Miller that got him excited about the College of Mines and cartography and geography, 是什么让他来到了伊利诺伊大学. During his visit, the General insisted on taking time to visit Dr. 米勒,现年92岁,仍住在帕卢斯.

彼得森将军和巴顿上校回想起第一次与Dr. 皮特曼, BG Peterson said, “It was one of those maturation processes of college. 我对他的专业精神印象深刻. 皮特曼 and his staff handled the entire situation that I was actually inspired to make some significant changes in my life right around then.”

Dr. 皮特曼 laughed as he was reminded of their initial meeting, “我实际上完全忘记了纪律问题. I just remember that he did an excellent job for us (as an RA) addressing all the problems in dorms at nights and on the weekends. I remember he had this remarkable pattern of self discipline and integrity well beyond his age that he displayed time and time again. 当他离开我们时,我们非常想念他.”

作为这些变化的一部分, Peterson made contact with the 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 program to explore becoming an officer. He soon fell in love with the 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 Chrisman Battalion and excelled, 获得杰出军事毕业生称号, an honor reserved for the top twenty percent of cadets commissioning each year.

BG Peterson评论道:“矿业学院院长Dr. 梅纳德·米勒博士. Bruce 皮特曼 and his Student 服务 team and the ROTC leadership apparently recognized some potential in me. Dr. 皮特曼甚至雇我当助理助理. 每时每刻, the great U of I faculty and the ROTC cadre challenged me with experiences that allowed me to learn about leadership and build my own confidence and abilities. The academics were great, but it was much more than that .”

大学毕业后,彼得森的旅程开始了. 他驾驶直升机, 通常是在特种部队, and commanded soldiers at every level in combat or during contingency operations all over the world. As a junior Captain, he was part of Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm. As a lieutenant colonel, Peterson served two tours as a battalion commander in Iraq and Afghanistan. 作为一个上校, Peterson commanded the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade in Iraq and also served as the Chief of 工作人员 of the 10th Mountain Division in Afghanistan. BG Peterson is now the Deputy Commanding General for the U.S. 陆军学员指挥部, which is responsible for all of the Army’s College ROTC and high school Junior ROTC.

5月10日,他在校园里闲逛, Peterson chuckled over some college memories from before that meeting with Dr. 皮特曼. He fondly recalled living in Gault Hall as a freshman and sophomore and moving to the Wallace Complex to work as a Resident Advisor. He recalled putting huge speakers in his dorm window and blasting music on a beautiful Palouse spring day, then playing Frisbee on the lawn in front of Gault Hall until someone complained about the music.

With the firm academic foundation that his experience at the U of I provided, BG Peterson has gone to earn a Master’s in Business Administration and Masters in National 安全 Strategy and Policy.

BG Peterson’s more notable awards and decorations include: two Legions of Merit, 六枚铜星奖章, five Meritorious Service Medals and the Air Medal with V device and numeral 5.

BG Peterson is married to Kristin (Powell) Peterson, a West Point graduate and former Army officer. 他们有两个女儿杰姬和凯蒂.

BG Peterson的旅程还在继续. 在他参观校园之后, the Army announced he will soon be assigned to Korea as Deputy Commanding General for Support of the 2nd Infantry Division.




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